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Slide1Professor Baojin Zhao obtained his BSc., MSc. from Chengdu University of Technology, Diploma in Geothermal Energy and Technology from the University of Auckland and PhD. In Mining Geology from the University of the Witwatersrand. 

He is the Fellows of Society of Economic Geologist (FSEG) and Geology Society of South Africa (FGSSA) and a registered geologist with the South African Council for Natural Scientist Professions (SACNACP).

He has worked in geology and environmental science for the last 33 years after MSc degree, supervised about 20 MSc, PhD and postdocs and many undergraduate students all over the SubSahara continent and China. He has published more than 60 papers and completed a number of NRF and WRC research projects as project and Research Niche Area leaders.  

His senior positions include Director of School of Physical and Computational Sciences, Head of Department at university of Fort Hare, and Deputy General Manager for China Africa Business Development of WorleyParsons. He has been associated with China University of Ming and Technology, Chengdu University of Technology, Henan University of Technology, and Yale University.

At present, he is the Board Director of Bindura Nickel Corporation Ltd. , Senior Consulting Geologist of WorleyParsons, and research associates of Unisa and Rhodes. He has well connected with the mining industry and governmental organizations and Chinese communities in South Africa.  

赵宝金教授毕业于南非金山大学地质系(博士),成都理工大学 (硕士,学士),奥克兰大学地热学院(结业证书), 具有超过33年的地质,矿业和环境科学经验。 他在南非指导了15名硕士,博士及博士后和大量的大学本科生, 他的学生主要分布于撒哈拉非洲次大陆的许多国家和中国。他发表了60多篇科技论文,专著和会议论文, 作为项目和关键课题负责人,完成了多个南非国家科学基金和南非水务署的课题。

他的主要高级职务包括福特海尔大学理学院院长,地质系主任, 教授, WorleyParsons国际咨询公司主管中非商务发展的副总经理。他的客座教授位置包括中国矿业大学,成都理工大学,河南理工大学和耶鲁大学等。

他与中国及非洲矿业界,研究机构和政府机构联系密切。 他是经济地质学会和南非地质学会资深会员, 南非注册地质学家。

目前他是Bindural 镍矿公司董事会的技术董事(2015-), WorleyParsons 高级地质顾问及中非发展经理,UNISA环境系和Rhodes 大学地质系客座教授。 他目前主要工作是在地质,矿业,环境领域,及有关项目的咨询,研究和项目的实施。

About Baojin Zhao

A mining geologist and geochemist
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